
Remo Bodei

Remo Bodei (Cagliari, Sardinia, 1938) is professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles, since 2006. For a long period of time he taught History of philosophy and Aesthetics at the Scuola Normale Superiore and at the University of Pisa, with which he collaborates nowadays. He has been visiting professor in numerous universities in Canada, United States and Europe. He has translated and edited works of Hegel, Rosenkraz, Rosenzweig, Adorno, Kracauer and Foucault, among others. He is author of many books, being the most relevant: Geometria delle passioni (1991), The Logics of Delusion (2006), Il dottor Freud e i nervi dell'anima (2001) and Una scintilla di fuoco. Invito alla filosofia (2005). Amongst his last works translated in Spanish are Las lógicas del delirio (CCCB, 2008), Pirámides del tiempo: historias y teoría del dejà vu (2010) y Paisajes sublimes: el hombre ante la naturaleza salvaje (2011).

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