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- Ramon Faura Coll
Ramon Faura Coll
A musician, architect and university teacher, he has been active as a musician in the group "Le Petit Ramon" since 2002. They have released three discs and are presently working on a fourth. The recently-released third disc is called Morts, desastre i barbàrie (Deaths Disaster and Barbarism, Bankrobber, 2008). The present format is LE PETIT RAMON EXPERIMENTA 3 (Ramon accompanied by Elvis JV on the cello and Xavi Tasies playing percussion), and the earlier two discs are Le Petit Ramon & Terrorista amb l'acompanyament estel·lar de les Filles del Dolor (Le Petit Ramon & Terrorist with the Star Accompaniment of the Daughters of Pain, Cydonia, 2003), and Luxúria (Lust, Discmedi, 2005).
He teaches History of Art and Architecture at the School of Architecture of the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona), in the Masters in History course at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (UPV) and interior design projects at the EDRA School of Art (Rubí). He has published pieces in Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme, Nativa, Mondosonoro, Lateral and is presently working on a book about the architect Claude Parent for the publisher Gustavo Gili.
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