
Marleen Stikker

Founder and current director of The Waag Society.

Marleen Stikker studied Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and is the founder of Waag Society, one of Europe's leading media labs in the field of developing creative applications for social innovation. She is engaged in creating games for mobile phones, researching new forms of learning, new tactile interfaces for the aged and innovative forms of creation in collaboration. In 2005, along with Bas Verhart of Media Republic, she founded PICNIC Cross Media Week, one of the world's main events in creativity and innovation in the communication and entertainment industries. Each year it attracts to Amsterdam thousands of innovators and cutting-edge experts in the field from all around the world. In 2007, with Emile Aarts of Philips Research, Stikker set up the ICT-Innovatie Platform Creative Industrie (Creative Industry Innovation Platform), which brings together industries in the fields of science, business and creation with the aim of establishing a single strategic research programme and promoting training within the consortium. At present, Stikker is a member of the advisory board of ICTRegie, which advises the Dutch Government on innovation and research in the domain of technological information, and she is also on the editorial board of the group of independent publishers WPG Uitgevers.


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