
Marina Espasa

(Barcelona, 1973)
© CCCB, 2017. Autor: Miquel Taverna

Writer and journalist

Marina Espasa (Barcelona, 1973) is a writer. The author of two novels, La dona que es va perdre (2012) and El dia del cérvol (2016), she writes literary criticism for the daily newspaper Ara and has translated into Catalan works by Tom Wolfe, Polidori, Jonathan Franzen and Rebecca Solnit. She formed part of the team for the television programmes Saló de lectura (BTV, 2002-2006) and L’hora del lector (Canal 33, 2007-2011). She currently teaches at the Ateneu Barcelonès Writing School and, since mid 2016, has been Head of Barcelona City Council’s UNESCO Cap de l’Oficina UNESCO Barcelona City of Literature Office.
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