
Lluís Calvo

(Zaragoza, 1963)

Lluís Calvo has published seventeen poetry books, among which are Veïnatge d'hores (1987), A contrallum (1989), Vida terrenal (1991), La llunyania (1993), L'estret de Bering (1997), Opus spicatum (2000), Omissió (2001), El buit i la medusa (2002), La tirania del discurs (2003), Andròmeda espiral (2005), Al ras (2007), Cent mil déus en un cau fosc (2008) and Col·lisions (2009). He has also published three novels: Aconitum (1999), Electra i la carretera (2001) and L'expulsió del paradís (2004). As an essayist, he has published Les interpretacions (2006) and several articles in magazines on poetry and language.

He has won prizes, among which are Amadeu Oller, Miquel de Palol, Josep M. López Picó, Ciutat de Palma-Joan Alcover, Maria Mercè Marçal, els Jocs Florals de Barcelona, el Rosa Leveroni and, recently, the Vicenç Andrés Estellés-Premi Octubre.

In 2003, he set up together with Pedro Valdeolmillos, the web page Epímone, dedicated to cyberspace. This website has become an international reference for the exploration of new language and writings.

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