
Jordi Turtós Orbañanos

Jordi Turtós

Jordi Turtós graduated in Information Science (Journalism) at the UAB in 1979, since when he has been a music journalist, and co-founded Ràdio Ciutat de Badalona (municipal radio station) in 1981. He has contributed to publications such as ABC, Diari de Barcelona, La Vanguardia, RockdeLux, Efe Eme, Ritmos del Mundo and Sons. On the radio, he has worked with Radio Nacional de España (Radio 1, Ràdio 4, etc.), Ona Catalana, COM Ràdio and M-80. He has worked at Televisió de Catalunya since 1990, on programmes such as SPUTNIK, Autògrafs, De Prop, Flamenc-o and Via Lliure. He has also made various music documentaries for TV and is co-author, with Magda Bonet, of the book Cantautores en España (1998). He is the coordinator of the Enciclopedia de la música moderna (Ed. Planeta, 2004) and teaches postgraduate courses at Pompeu Fabra and Ramon Llull. As a music programmer, he has worked for Blues i Ritmes (Badalona 1999-2004), FIMPT (Vilanova, 2000-2008), Mercat de Música Viva, (Vic, 2001-2003) and Fòrum de les Cultures (Barcelona, 2004). Since 2010, he has been the music set programmer for Barcelona’s La Mercè festival.

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