Doctor in Sociology. He is director of the Masters in Publishing at the University of Salamanca and of the Grupo Santillana de Ediciones. He is director of the magazine Archipiélago. Cuadernos de Crítica de la Cultura. He also runs the project for the digitalisation and digital publishing of cultural magazines for ARCE and for the Instituto Cervantes. He also works as a director and consultant for different fiction and non-fiction collections for publishing companies like Paidós, Alea, Siglo XXI, among others. He was Director of Ediciones y Contenidos Digitales de la Residencia de Estudiantes, CSIC, from 2003 to 2006 and was Editor-in-Chief of the Santillana Formación (Grupo Santillana) from 2000 to 2003. Previously, he was Director de Documentation for the same group and Executive Editor for its educational division.
He is the author of various books: El desorden de las cosas (1999) and Pierre Bourdieu. Sociología y subversión (2002) He maintains a blog on the current state of publishing called Los futuros del libro from which he took material for the book, Edición 2.0. Los futuros del libro (2007). He has also published the novel Las mujeres que vuelan (2007).
He is currently working on two volumes dedicated to reflections on the future of publishing, books, reading, bibliomania and bibliophilia. The first of them will be called Edición 2.0. Sócrates en el hiperespacio.