Fredric Jameson (Cleveland, 1934) is one of today’s best-known critics. He studied Arts at Yale University, where he obtained a PhD in 1959 with a thesis on Sartre. He has taught at Harvard, Yale and Duke universities, among others. Since the 1970s he has produced a wide-ranging body of work devoted to literary and cultural analysis. Within a framework of inquiry constructed on the basis of methodological Marxism, he is mainly concerned to study the relations between the development of capitalism and cultural production. Notable among his works published in Spanish are The Prison-House of Language (La cárcel del lenguaje, 1980), The Political Unconscious. Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act (Documentos de cultura. Documentos de barbarie, 1989), Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (El posmodernismo o la lógica cultural del capitalismo avanzado, 1991), The Geopolitical Aesthetic (La estética geopolítica, 1995), Teoría de la postmodernidad (A Theory of Postmodernism, 1996), La postmodernidad y el mercado (Postmodernism and the Market, 1998), Estudios culturales: Reflexiones sobre el multiculturalismo (Cultural Studies: Reflections on Multiculturalism, 1998), The Seeds of Time (Las semillas del tiempo, 2000), Representing 'Capital': A Reading of Volume One (Representar el capital. Una Letura del tomo I, 2014) and The Ideologies of Theory (Las ideologías de la teoría, 2014).
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