Farouk Mardam-Bey has lived in France since 1965. He has a degree in Political Sciences from the University of Caen and in Teaching History from the University of Paris VII. He was head librarian at the Arab World Institute, and today he is its Cultural Advisor. Since 1981 he has been the publishing director of the Revue d'études palestiniennes and, since 1995, editor and director of the "Sindbad" collection from Actes Sud.
In 1992, together with Samir Kassir, he published Itinéraires de Paris à Jérusalem: la France et le conflit israélo-arabe, 1917-1991. Together with Elias Sanbar, he coordinated the editions of the following works: Palestine: cartes postales de la collection de Ezzedine Kalak (1980), Classiques arabes (1981), Jérusalem, le sacré et le politique (2000) and Le droit au retour (2002). He has also coordinated the publication of titles such as: Mille et un livres sur le monde arabe (1990), Le monde arabe: bibliographie sélective et analytique (1987), Ecrivains arabes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (1996), Palestine, l'enjeu culturel (1997), Liban, figures contemporaines (1999) and La Poésie arabe (1999). He has translated into French works by writers Mahmud Darwish and Saadi Youssef, and is the author of three books on gastronomy.