Edson Lechuga was born in Pahuatlán de Valle, Puebla (Mexico) in 1970 and studied at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Casa Lamm Cultural Centre (Mexico City) and the University of Barcelona. He is a writer and he also gives literary workshops. He has published the novel Luz de luciérnagas (Light of Glow Worms – Editorial Montesinos, Espanya / Colofón Editores, Mexico, 2010), Llovizna (Drizzle – Editorial Montesinos, Espanya / Colofón Editores, Mèxic, 2011), and the collection of poetry El canto de los búhos (Song of the Owls – Anónimo Drama Ediciones, Mexico, 2000). He also has a story published in the anthology Un lugar mejor (A Better Place, Ediciones Beta, Espanya. 2009). He has written for a range of reviews including Izquierdo, El viejo topo, Quimera, Letras Libres, Número Cero, Lateral, and Clarín, as well as for such newspapers as El País, La Jornada and El Universal. He was lead voice in the Poética Shakti sound poetry ensemble and also director of the production company Achichincle Audiovisuales.
He presently writes the blog yonosoyedsonlechuga.blogspot.com.