
Brane Mozetic

(Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1958)
© Natalie Gassel

He has a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Ljubljana, and is a poet, writer of prose, translator, editor and director of the Center for Slovenian Literature in Ljubljana.

He has published the novels Angeli (1996) and Zgubljena zgodba (2001), a collection of short tales and several books of poetry. His poems have been translated into different languages, including Spanish and Catalan: Poemas por los sueños muertos (2004) and He somiat que havies mort (2004). An active agent in social movements and a leader of the gay movement in Slovenia, he has edited an anthology of 20th century homoerotic poetry. He has also translated from French works by authors such as Amin Maalouf, Michel Foucault, Arthur Rimbaud and Jean Genet.

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