Juan José Lahuerta is an architect and lecturer in History of Art and Architecture at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB). He has been a member of the Collegio Docenti della Scuola Dottorati del Istituto Universitario di Architettura (IUAV) of Venice and also holder of the King Juan Carlos I Chair of Spanish Culture and Civilization at New York University.
He has published books on history of art and architecture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, notable among which are 1927. La abstracción necesaria (1927: The Necessary Abstraction, Barcelona, 1989); Antoni Gaudí,1852-1926. Architettura, ideologia e politica (Milan, 1992), which was published in English as Antoni Gaudí (1852 – 1926): Architecture, Ideology and Politics), and also in Spanish and French; Decir Anti es decir Pro. Escenas de la vanguardia en España (To Say Anti Is to Say Pro: Scenes from the Avant-garde in Spain, Teruel, 1999), winner of the First Publications Award at the Third Latin American Biennale of Architecture and Civil Engineering, which was held in Santiago de Chile in 2002; Casa Batlló (Barcelona, 2001 – published in English and other languages); Le Corbusier. Espagne. Carnets (Le Corbusier. Spain. Notebooks, Paris/Milan/Schopfheim, 2001); Gaudí. Antología contemporánea (Gaudí: A Contemporary Anthology, Madrid, 2002); El fenómeno del éxtasis. Dalí ca. 1933 (The Phenomenon of Ecstasy: Dalí ca. 1933, Madrid, 2004); Japonecedades (Japanonsense, Barcelona, 2005); Destrucción de Barcelona (Destruction of Barcelona, Barcelona, 2005); Le Corbusier e la Spagna (Le Corbusier and Spain, Milan, 2005); Estudios antiguos (Ancient Studies, Madrid, 2010), winner of the International Essay Prize of the Madrid Circle of Fine Arts; Humaredas. Arquitectura, ornamentación, medios impresos (Clouds of Smoke: Architecture, Ornamentation and the Printed Media, Madrid, 2010); and Le Corbusier (Milan, 2011). He has also edited anthologies of texts on Gaudí, Giorgio de Chirico and Le Corbusier, as well as a volume of essays on the work of Salvador Dalí, Obres Completes (Complete Works).
He was founder and joint director – with Antonio Pizza – of the gallery C. R. C. Galería de Arquitectura (Barcelona, 1985-1987) and has been curator of the exhibitions Dalí. Arquitectura (Dalí: Architecture, Barcelona, 1996), Arte Moderno y revistas españolas (Modern Art and Spanish Reviews, Madrid, Bilbao, 1996), Margaret Michaelis. Fotografía, vanguardia y política en la Barcelona de la República (Margaret Michaelis: Photography, Vanguard and Politics in Republican Barcelona – Valencia and Barcelona, 1998), Universo Gaudí (Barcelona, Madrid, 2002), and Salvador Dalí, Federico García Lorca y la Residencia de Estudiantes (Salvador Dalí, Federico García Lorca and the Student Residence, Madrid, 2010). He has worked as an adviser to the Reina Sofia National Art Museum in Madrid (2004-2005) and was senior curator for the Picasso Museum of Barcelona (2010-2011).
He was written for numerous journals and reviews around the world and has worked as an editor or been a member of scientific advisory councils for such publications as Carrer de la Ciutat (Barcelona, 1977-1981), Buades. Periódico de Arte (Madrid, 1986-87), 3ZU (Barcelona, 1993-1995) and Acto (Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2001-2008). He is presently a member of the scientific and editorial committee of the Milan-based review Casabella Milà.
He is founder and director of Mudito & Co. (Barcelona), which received a FAD (Promotion of Decorative Arts) medal for its publishing work in 2007.
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