Links and bibliography
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Emerging Culture
A critical analysis and resituation of alternative and independent culture in the face of accelerated socio-cultural transformation
Alternatives Économiques
An alternative French magazine specialising in economic issues.
Last millennium, Arabianranta, Helsinki Virtual Village, was merely a vision. The goal was to make Arabianranta the leading centre of art and design in the Baltic area. Today there is already a neighbourhood that works, researches and shares its knowledge of technology, design, art and communication.
- Art Futura
Bee Man
David Graves’ web page, a New Yorker that has hundreds of hives on several New York rooftops. Each of Graves' hives can produce 50 pounds of honey a year, which he sells for $5 per half-pound at the city's greenmarkets.
Casseurs de pub
An association created in 1990 to promote graphic design and art criticising consumer society and promoting alternatives. It publishes the yearbook Casseurs de pub and the monthly magazine La Décroissance. It also organises activities and festivals, and produces animation films and exhibitions.
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE)
A centre that advocates a sustainable economy by educating citizens, organisations and policy-makers on the conflict between economic growth and environmental protection, ecological and economic sustainability and national security and international stability. It also promotes a steady state economy as an alternative to economic growth.
A log of our times, a weblog of emerging cultures that acts as a filter and supplier of context, it monitors emerging culture and offers summaries of related news, it links to the original sources and adopts a global approach that faces contradictory paradigms...
An article outlining the main aspects of the movement, with a genealogy of its origins and a review of the movement’s thinkers and writers, including Georgescu-Roegen, André Gorz and Latouche.
A blog on degrowth – with an extensive bibliographical archive – providing links to Spanish and international groups and associations.It also contains a series of articles and interviews with renowned members of the movement:
Degrowth news archive:
Online documentaries: -
Diario del Decrecimiento
A website created with an expiry date divulgating the transitory process that post-modern humankind is experiencing.
Economía Crítica y Crítica de la Economía
A digital magazine on economics.
A weblog that compiles different topics related to emerging culture.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defence.
European Cultural Foundation
This Foundation gives support to cultural foundations, networks and individual artists. They advocate for policy development in the cultural life of Europe and its neighbours. They work in specific local contexts where they can develop this sustainable policy.
European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers (FEBEA)
Created in 2001, the association is based in Brussels and gathers banks and financial cooperatives active in the field of ethical and solidarity-based finance in their respective countries. Its aim is to create financial tools to promote the development of ethical finance in Europe.
Extremadura Creativa
A virtual platform for promotion of knowledge and free culture.
Proyecto FIARE emerged in 2003 with the aim of building a lending cooperative operating in accordance with ethical banking principles. The project is driven by a territorial network encompassing various social movements, and its ambition is to become a point of reference for individuals and organisations seeking financial alternatives.
- Hamaca
Henry Jenkins
E-book: Convergence Culture: Where Old And New Media Collide
Horitzo TV
Meeting point of experimental, horizontal and local televisions, that broadcasts either through Internet or analogically. Horitzó TV finds and exchanges projects from all over the world (digital or analogical televisions) that bet for a participative and horizontal television, and that favour a local culture network exchange, always promoting diversity, creativity, critical spirit and sense of humor.
- iCrea
Forum on the form taken by Internet governance.
Institut d’études économiques et sociales pour la décroissance soutenable
The institute’s website, currently directed by Serge Latouche. It contains the latest information about the movement, presents proposals and activities and offers an extensive bibliography, including articles by the main advocates of degrowth in France ( and a list of recent books on degrowth and related issues ( -
An internet space with articles, news and comments on intellectual property, internet law, entertainment law and new technologies.
An Amnesty International campaign. “Neither voices nor human rights can be repressed either on the Internet or outside it”.
La Décroissance
A monthly magazine containing information on degrowth policies and activities.
Le Réseau québécois pour la simplicité volontaire
Founded in 2000, the Réseau québécois pour la simplicité volontaire is a not-for-profit organisation reflecting on and disseminating voluntary simplicity practices. It also promotes the networking of people and organisations with similar aims.
Movimento per la Decrescita Felice
The Movimiento per la Decrescita Felice was founded by Maurizio Pallante, one of the best known faces of degrowth in Italy. The website contains various articles reflecting on and informing about alternatives to facilitate voluntary simplicity (self-supply, energy saving, recovery of traditional knowledge, etc.).
Perspectiva Ambiental
A periodical environmental awareness publication in learning-unit format providing data and information that shatters environmental stereotypes, proposes learning activities and promotes participatory environmental campaigns. Issue 44 focuses on de-growth.
Radical Perspectives on the Crisis
A blog containing practical information in order to understand this exceptional period of capitalist development. It also tries to find strategies to escape its conflicts and problems.
A solidarity-based alternative economy network of networks. The Economía Solidaria website is aimed at all social, economic and political sectors, as well as individuals. It is a place for meeting, reflection, participation, activism and communication on non-exclusive, solidarity-based economic structures.
Rete per la Decrescita
The Italian degrowth network’s website. It contains articles and documents, particularly contributions made in Italy and France. It also presents the main books on degrowth available in Italy. The magazine La Decrescita can be downloaded from the website (
Revista Silence
Using the motto “ecology, alternatives and non-violence”, this monthly magazine, published since 1982, has positioned itself halfway between small-circulation minority magazines and large-circulation press. Currently, it is considered a reference point in the field of radical, humanist and solidarity-oriented thought.
A network of growth objectors for post-development.
A website whose aim is to fight consumerism and encourage the use of non-monetary systems. In a single website, it brings together a range of free resources and information about how to access a lifestyle that is less dependent on money in a local, focused and organised way.
Slowness is a holistic approach to creative thinking, process and outcomes. It envisions positive human and environmental impacts of designed products, environments and systems, while constructively critiquing the processes and technologies of which they are born. It celebrates local, close-mesh networks of people and industry, it preserves and draws upon our cultural diversity, and it relies on the open sharing of ideas and information to arrive at innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.
Te pica la barba
A festival held in Granada in favour of free culture.
The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA)
An Irish foundation whose aims are to identify the economic, cultural and environmental characteristics of a truly sustainable society, to articulate how the necessary transition can be effected and to promote the implementation of measures required for this purpose.
The Free Software Foundation
The Free Software Foundation (FSF), established in 1985, is dedicated to promoting computer users' rights to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer programs.
The Simple Living Network
Since 1996, this American website has been providing resources, tools, examples and contacts for simple, healthy, conscious living. Its aim is to present alternatives to the American dream of more… faster… bigger… better…
The Simpler Way
A website offered by Ted Trainer, a lecturer at the University of NSW, Kensington. It includes an English bibliography on The Simpler Way movement, which works for the transition from a consumer society to a simpler, more cooperative, fairer and more ecologically sustainable society.
Transition Culture
A website exploring the emerging model of energy transition in all its forms.
A European bank with 28 years’ experience of sustainable development, for individuals, businesses and institutions wishing to save and invest responsibly and know what the bank is doing with their money. It finances businesses and initiatives which, besides being profitable, enhance people’s quality of life and care for the environment.
Understanding for Degrowth
A website encompassing and coordinating several local social movements whose common aim is to disseminate a model of degrowth. Besides offering information about activities and actions, it has a documentation centre containing articles and bibliographical references. -
Wizards of Os
The Wizards of OS are concerned with the emerging knowledge order of digital media. Their focus is on the potential of PC and Internet for fostering free communication and open collaboration in the creation of knowledge. Wizards of OS has firmly established itself as a place where the foundations of cultural creativity in the digital age are being debated internationally, interdisciplinarily and at high level.
- YPsite