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March 25, 26, 27 and 28, 2009
SETI-Spore Zone
Information on the SETI Institute that includes access to web pages on different aspects and collaborators involved in the projects, which connects the SETI research institute to the video game SPORE and emphasises the scientific aspects of both projects.
April 21st and 22nd, 2006
Openserver Archives - Platoniq
The Platoniq collective, winner of second prize in Berlin's international electronic art festival Transmediale 06, demonstrates how technologies and processes can be addressed in a circuit that ranges from the production of audio contents to the downloading of files from the Internet, including listening to, individually selecting and freely distributing programmes. For year one of NOW, Platoniq has prepared an FM and on-line radio programme which includes works and documents from the Openserver Archives, on the themes of syndicated radio, AudioFanzines, coop city and open-source radio.
March 25, 26, 27 and 28, 2009
Mosaic of the Crisis
An area for exploring citizen responses to the current economic and environmental crisis which is also a crisis in human values. It provides access to a selection of the materials produced by several activist groups in relation to this situation. Includes the audiovisual installation NOW in Process, which processes the seven main thematic areas of NOW through exclusive interviews with intellectuals, artists, scientists and activists.
April 3, 4 and 5, 2008
Bank of Common Knowledge (BCC)
A project
Where and how do we gather and share what we know? The Bank of Common Knowledge began in 2006 as a laboratory of citizen-to-citizen mutual education rooted in the expansion of free software, social networks and p2p filesharing systems.
This second public action of the BCC takes the form of a market for the exchange of free knowledge: consultations, take-away theories, audiovisual manuals and live demos, with the aim of sharing information, experiences and useful tools geared toward achieving more independence in everyday life and taking advantage of shared resources.
We all have something to learn. We all have something to teach. Make an offer, recommend it to someone or request information at: