Edition March 25th, 26th and 27th, 2010
Each edition of the project NOW explores several of its thematic areas, in a coexistence that highlights their interrelation.
Open Science
Complex networks: from the genome to the Internet Thursday 25 March, 19:00 #masacritica Friday 26 March, 19:00 -
Art Now
What can be done with an iPhone? Thursday 25 March, 11:00 The camera on your mobile Thursday 25 March, 16:00 Exploring the implications of mobile technologies in the contemporary urban culture Saturday 27 March, 19:00 #masacritica Friday 26 March, 19:00 Selection of short films presented at the MovilFilmFest, Spain Saturday 27 March, 17:30 Selection of short films presented at different mobile film festivals Saturday 27 March, 18:00 Umbrales_ePORMUNDOS Thursday 25 March, 20:30
Eco Factor
Exploring the implications of mobile technologies in the contemporary urban culture Saturday 27 March, 19:00 -
Emerging Culture
What can be done with an iPhone? Thursday 25 March, 11:00 The camera on your mobile Thursday 25 March, 16:00 Exploring the implications of mobile technologies in the contemporary urban culture Saturday 27 March, 19:00 #masacritica Friday 26 March, 19:00 Selection of short films presented at the MovilFilmFest, Spain Saturday 27 March, 17:30 Selection of short films presented at different mobile film festivals Saturday 27 March, 18:00 Hello Africa Saturday 27 March, 12:00 Umbrales_ePORMUNDOS Thursday 25 March, 20:30
Complex networks: from the genome to the Internet Thursday 25 March, 19:00 #masacritica Friday 26 March, 19:00 How Kevin Bacon cured cancer Thursday 25 March, 18:00 The Century of the Self Friday 26 March, 17:00 Selection of short films presented at different mobile film festivals Saturday 27 March, 18:00 Cell Phone. The ring heard around the world Saturday 27 March, 13:00 -
New Activism
Exploring the implications of mobile technologies in the contemporary urban culture Saturday 27 March, 19:00 Cell Phone. The ring heard around the world Saturday 27 March, 13:00 Hello Africa Saturday 27 March, 12:00