Adam Bly. Marcos García. Susan George. Michael John Gorman. Jordi Isern. Theun Karelse. Serge Latouche. Joan Martínez Alier. Jordi Pigem. Jordi Portell. Ramon Sangüesa. Jill Tarter. Santiago Vilanova
In order to better understand the current economic crisis, it is useful to see it as the culmination of a series of interconnected crises that question, among other things, the ability of human beings to manage a planet with finite resources. The possible solutions increasingly feature theories of degrowth, while the connections between science, art, technology, design and nature define the tools available to us for addressing the necessary paradigm changes that the situation requires. In contrast to this planetary crisis, the International Year of Astronomy is a good opportunity to remind ourselves that we live on a small blue planet deep inside the Milky Way, and that the knowledge generated by astrophysics and cosmology can help us to redefine our place in the Cosmos.