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NOW 2007 // A World Without Copyright? Joost Smiers (OV En)
VideoThe most spectacular aspect of the book "A World without Copyright", by Joost Smiers, is maybe in its title. However, there is a broader social, economic and cultural framework within which this eye-catcher should be understood. Do we like living in a world in which the main tools of our cultural communication are controlled by only a few conglomerates (by copyright, and by the ownership of the means of production, distribution and promotion), and where the real existing diversity has been pushed out of our awareness, and where most of the artists cannot make a living from their work? A fundamental change is necessary, and possible.
Dr. Joost Smiers, Professor (em.) of Political Science at the Utrecht School of the Arts (the Netherlands), puts forward the strategies of that change in a dialogue with audience.
Activity: A World Without Copyright?
Participants: Daniel García Andújar, Joost Smiers
Theme: New Activism
NOW // Transgression: Dissipation or Re-invention? Otto E. Rössler, Hans H. Diebner, Amador Vega Esquerra (OV Es, En, De)
VideoThe spirit of transgression, which has marked the modern era and the artistic, social and cultural avant-garde, is now in decline since its actions and outcomes are being absorbed or ‘digested' by the capitalist system.
This process is linked to the trends in ‘post-humanism', which is profoundly influenced by the new technologies and the mass media. It is becoming ever more necessary to initiate a debate on the effects of the eclipse of the transgressive imaginary in culture, as well as on the spread in industrial countries of conformism and indifference to any form of engagement, be it political or ideological, social or cultural. Experts of recognised international standing in the various fields of knowledge and creation will discuss this controversial issue in dialogues between the participants that are also open to the public.
Activity: Transgression: Dissipation or Re-invention?
Participants: Claudia Giannetti, Amador Vega Esquerra, Hans H. Diebner, Otto E. Rössler
Theme: Cybersphere
Meetings in the Present Continuous // In Praise of Darkness: The Role of the Night in the Development of Humanity
Video -
NOW - march 2010