
Workshop on accessibility in museums

Accessible Art. New tools to bring handicapped people closer to art and culture

Accessible Art, organised by Caixa Catalunya's Social Work and Articket, is a workshop on accessibility in museums, a workshop where people can reflect, discuss experiences and get to know the needs of a sector of society that has only just been recognised a short while ago: people with special needs. This group includes people who have reduced or no mobility, intellectual comprehension, vision or hearing. The workshop, mainly focussing on the needs of people who have special visual, hearing and cognitive needs, will raise awareness of the programmes and lines of action of the museums we work in to offer the necessary tools and resources to bring art closer to everyone, making it truly accessible. This workshop is for professionals who work in the cultural sector, especially museums and cultural heritage, representatives of public and private bodies and all those who are interested and involved in accessibility issues in art and culture.



8:45 am-9 am Welcome, accreditation and collection of documentation from participants.

9 am-9:15 am Welcome to the workshop by Àlex Susanna, culture director of Caixa Catalunya's Social Work.

9:15 am-9:45 am State of affairs in our museums. Given by ComAccess, a specialised services company.

9:45 am-10:45 am Presentation of the sensory and cognitive access programme from MoMA, New York. Given by Francesca Rosenberg, director of MoMA's Access Programs Education Department.

10:45 am-11:15 am Presentation of the cognitive access programme from MNAC Museu espai comú d'integració. Given by Teresa González, manager of the Education Department.

11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee break

11:45 am-12:15 pm Presentation of the programme La Pedrera accessible from Caixa Catalunya's Social Work. Given by Rosa Maria Plans, culture programmes manager and Dolors Clusella, educational services manager.

12:15 pm -1 pm Presentation of the access programme Hablando con la pintura, created by the Argadini Association in the MNCARS museums, the Prado Museum and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Given by Rebeca Barrón.

1 pm - 2 pm Presentation of three access programmes:
-The programme La mirada tàctil from the Provincial Government of Barcelona, dedicated to accessibility as its policy in its museums in Esplugues. Given by Carme Comas from MEL (Museums in Esplugues del Llobregat).
-Communicative access report to public cultural establishments in Barcelona. Given by Carles Giner, secretary for the Board of Culture.
-Complete offer of adapted cultural resources for tourists. Given by Diego González, accessible tourism adviser for Turisme de Catalunya.


4 pm - 5 pm Presentation of the programme and work experience relating to accessibility in the Louvre. Given by Matthieu Decraene, access programme development manager.

5 pm - 5:30 pm
Presentation of the programme Miró a prop, an access project from the Educational Department of Fundació Miró. Given by Jordi J. Clavero.

5:30 pm - 6 pm
The access policy of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona. Given by Teresa Soldevila, social responsibility manager of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona.

6 pm - 6:45 pm Round table La percepció i les necessitats de l'usuari with representatives from groups of handicapped people.

6:45 pm - 7:15 pm
Closing of the workshop. Given by Enrique Vargas, director of Teatro de los Sentidos.