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The Murmur of Superman
“Perhaps” - Nietzsche wrote to Herman Levi in 1887- “there has never been a more musical philosopher than I am.”
True. Perhaps no other philosopher has ever had a more day-to-day relationship with music than Nietzsche, or has wanted more fervently to use the musical form as a template for his philosophical writings, or understood more musically the expression “interpret the world”, or been more determined to make hearing a philosophical instrument. Not a single line of Nietzsche’s writing has been produced without the aim that his reader should experience the inner echo of its melody. For all these reasons, we are offering this lecture-cum-concert as an exercise in musical resonance, aspiring to highlight both Nietzsche’s music and the auditory dimension of his philosophy.
1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Kyrie from the Missa Pappae (adapted for piano four hands by Abraham Tena)
2. Friedrich Nietzsche, Monodie a deux.
3. Robert Schumann, Impromptu Op. 66.
4. Abraham Tena Manrique (1973) Parafrasejant Nietzsche (Paraphrasing Nietzsche) Op. 21.
5. Robert Schumann, Manfred Overture Op. 115 (version for piano four hands)
6. Friedrich Nietzsche, Manfred Meditation.
- Participants
- Participants:
- Abraham and Esther Tena Manrique, Gregorio Luri
- Themes
- The Present Continuous, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Open Science, Psi Particle, Art Now, Eco Factor, Emerging Culture, Cybersphere, New Activism