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THE CCCB ARCHIVE - World. A Cosmopolitan view
World. A Cosmopolitan View marks the second CCCB ARCHIVE event, presenting all the materials from the CCCB's holdings on the subject of cosmopolitanism and reflection on cultural plurality in the world today. Alongside these archives we present the KOSMOPOLIS ARCHIVE, where visitors can consult materials related to the International Literature Fest.
The CCCB ARCHIVE also allows visitors to consult materials from the last event, Paradoxical Times (20 January-14 September 2008).
At this second CCCB Archive event, you can consult all the materials from our holdings on the subject of cosmopolitanism and reflection on what it means to be an inhabitant of an increasingly interdependent, plural world. Also available for consultation are all the materials from the previous event, Paradoxical Times, and the entire Kosmopolis Archives.
The CCCB ARCHIVE is a thematic, multimedia archive that makes available to the public the collection the CCCB has created over the years of its activity. The holdings periodically address different themes, summarizing the concerns that have guided the activity of our Centre since it was set up.
In the CCCB ARCHIVE you can also consult the programmes of activities organized at the CCCB and view audiovisual materials produced by debates, lectures and exhibitions, and photographic reportages of all of these activities, along with exhibition dossiers and catalogues, published conferences and lectures, and books by the principal writers to have passed through the CCCB.
World. A Cosmopolitan View presents materials from the CCCB's extensive holdings:
- 50 exhibitions
- 700 lectures and performances
- 250 audiovisuals
- 800 guest author biographies
- 260 photographic reportages
- 90 in-house publications
Also on show are new audiovisual materials created specially for the exhibition:
- TAKES ON COSMOPOLITANISM. This interactive installation brings together the interventions of intellectuals who have visited the CCCB and given us their opinions on the viability of formulating universal values in today's world. The interviewees include Gilles Lipovetsky, Gianni Vattimo, John Gray, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Naomi Klein, Eric Hobsbawm, Ian Buruma, Lisa Appiganesi, Jorge Semprún, Terry Eagleton, Judith Butler, Jordi Llovet, Kwame Anthony Appiah and Fred Halliday.
- DIOGENES PROJECT. A poetic, visual piece that reflects on the origins and development of the concept of cosmopolitanism, first formulated by the Greek philosopher Diogenes the Elder. The audiovisual takes as its departure point Raffaello Sanzio's painting The School of Athens and reviews the evolution of this concept from the viewpoint of classical philosophy.
- ONE WORLD. This map of the world is transformed and deformed by some of the tensions currently dividing humankind: economic inequalities, demographic growth and borders. It is screened on a backdrop made up of the names of people who have collaborated with the CCCB over the years.
Plus, World. A Cosmopolitan View will include an interface to consult highlighted materials, offering users a periodically changing, thematic selection of materials from the CCCB ARCHIVE. This interface picks up themes of political, social and cultural current affairs, and the themes of the CCCB's activities, bringing to light some of the Archive's most valuable materials.
Forthcoming themes:
- 60th Anniversary of the World Declaration of Human Rights (November/December 2008).
- Other Geographies 1: Orient (January/February 2009, coinciding with the exhibition "In the Chinese City")
- Other Geographies 2: Africa (March/April 2009, coinciding with the exhibition "Bamako 07. The City and Beyond")
- The Raval Special (April/May 2009)
OTHER THEMATIC ARCHIVES – In time, the CCCB archive will come to include all the holdings created by activities at the Centre, with thematic archives for specific activities: Xcentric archive and Urban.