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Double Workshop: Xcèntric projections and a round table discussion Altres realitats, altres documentals, with the participation of some of the creators of the works that can be seen at Xcèntric. This double workshop, which forms part of two different festivals, will generate a stimulating context in which to see works during the first session prior to the debate in the following session.
Over the last decade interest has grown in the artistic field for genres such as the fictional documentary or the documentary essay. This shows that the idea of the traditional documentary, a story which seeks to build reality through predefined parameters, is being put into question. The discussion will offer the chance to see some of these works during a session in which the authors comment on the results of their investigations and discuss with the audience.
Participants: Andrés Duque, Virginia García del Pino, Lluís Escartín, Josetxo Cerdán (Coordinator of the Masters Course in Creative Documentary at the UAB)