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T4-Barajas Puerta J50 (T4-Barajas Gate J50), Jaime Rosales, 2009
SYNOPSIS: One day at Barajas airport in Madrid. A camera with a telephoto lens films the micro-succession of comings and goings of passengers as they wait, shop or play video games. The sound picks up snippets of conversation and ambiences, in an experimental work that reflects on waiting and solitude in a huge airport space converted into a great leisure and shopping centre.
General information
NOW opening times:
Thursday March 25th through Saturday 27th, open from 11 am to 10 pm
If you have any questions or comments, please contact [email protected]
Free admission to all activities
Registration required in advance for workshops. Tel: (+34) 933.064.135. E-mail: [email protected]
CCCB reserves the right to modify the schedule for reasons beyond its control.
CCCBMontalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 933 064 100. www.cccb.org/now