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BOOKCAMP SESSION: Paper technologies
Technical developments have also brought benefits for the paper book publishing industry. The aim of this session is to deal with two aspects of the issue which are often neglected because we are so dazzled by digital technology: firstly, digital printing and the rationalisation of the marketing chain for books. New technology allows the print runs of paper books to be adjusted to real demand and they can be available for longer, as there is no need to run off large numbers of copies when they are reprinted. Secondly, we have avant-garde publishing and new possibilities for adding value to the book as an object. Materials and designs which were unthinkable or prohibitively expensive a few years ago are now more accessible thanks to pioneering publishers who have blazed a trail which acts as an inspiration for other publishers.
The session will be attended by the production managers of two publishers who exemplify the two approaches described above.
Coordination: Damià Gallardo