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Directed by Malcolm Clark. A BBC production, 2002, 45', VOSE
New cosmological theories postulate the existence of parallel universes and the belief that we are living in one of them, inside a multiverse. The supercord theory, hyperspace and dark matter may prove that the three dimensions with which we describe the known universe are insufficient. Neil Turok of Cambridge, Burt Ovrut of Pennsylvania University and Paul Steinhardt of Princeton advocate that the Big Bang theory could be explained by the collision of two of these worlds. This would imply that before the Big Bang there was "something"...
- Participants
- Presenter:
- Jordi José
- Themes
- Open Science
- Space at the CCCB
- The Auditorium
General information
Space at the CCCB
The Auditorium
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona. Tel: (+34) 933.064.100
From April 3-5, 2008
Space opening schedule
Thursday April 3, open from 5 pm to 9:30 pm
Friday April 4 and Saturday April 5, open from 11 am to 10 pm
Free entrance to all activities
Prior registration for the workshops. Tel: (+34) 933.064.135. E-mail: [email protected]
CCCB reserves the right to modify the schedule for reasons beyond its control.