
From 8pm to 11'30pm

Miqui Otero, Adrián de Alfonso, Borja Rosal, DJ de la Muerte, Kiko Amat

Hilo musical

Miqui Otero presents his novel Hilo musical live, to distinguish the difference between hearing background music or listening to songs to build your identity, the difference between surviving and living. Javi Álvarez (Néboa, Fluzo, Dj de la Muerte), a Galician Joe Meek based in Barcelona, will offer his version of the text accompanied by invented instruments. Then, Adrián de Alfonso (Bèstia Ferida, Veracruz) and Borja Rosal (Extraperlo, El Guincho) will join forces to create a narrative sound framework true to the novel. And Kiko Amat and the author will play the records that appear in the book.

Check here the playlist for Hilo musical