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This is a video clip of the song Hansel i Gretel that Joan Miquel Oliver, leader of the group Antonia Font, created expressly for the episode "Blau: confia en mi" (Blue: Trust Me) in the Canal 33 programme Colors en sèrie. Hansel i Gretel (Colours in Series. Hansel and Gretel), based on the homonymous work by the brothers Grimm. This has been launched as Side B of an EP that is called after the first of its songs, Sa núvia morta (His Dead Bride - Discmedi, 2007).
- Themes
- The Present Continuous, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Open Science, Psi Particle, Art Now, Eco Factor, Emerging Culture, Cybersphere, New Activism
- Space at the CCCB
- The Auditorium