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Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa
La pirogue (La piragua)La pirogue (La piragua)
Moussa Touré
2012, Senegal/France/Germany, DCP, 87’, Catalan subtitles
Cannes Festival – Official Section (Un certain regard)
It all starts in a fishing village on the outskirts of Dakar, where many boats set sail for Europe. After a crossing that often brings death, the boats arrive in the Canary Islands. Baye Laye, captain of a fishing boat, is well acquainted with the risks of the sea and does not want to go, but he has no alternative. He has to venture out in a boat to Spain, along with thirty other people who don’t get on, some of whom have never seen the sea, and none of whom knows what lies ahead.
Lugares comunes
Delia Márquez Sánchez and Pablo Díaz Morilla
2014, Spain, video, 3' 21", VO (es)
First Prize winner of the Short Film Competition Gandules'14
A story based on hundreds of thousands of real events.
See the complete programme of Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa. This August you will also find in Filmin’s website a great selection of films based on the topic Away from Home.
- Themes
- The Present Continuous, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Open Science, Psi Particle, Art Now, Eco Factor, Emerging Culture, Cybersphere, New Activism
- Space at the CCCB
- The Pati de les Dones
- Multimedia Archive
- Organizer
- Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
- With the collaboration of
- Filmin
- Sponsors
- Gas Natural Fenosa