
FORGETTING [ovni 2012]

OVNI takes a look at today’s situation of conflict, over and above immediate economic and political issues—the persistence of forgetting. It is based on two principal works, The Mahabharata by Peter Brook and La Commune by Peter Watkins, contextualized by a series of videos that reflect the present day.

This programme sets out to review some of the most worrying realities of our times, specifically the experience of conflict with power and the imminence of escalating confrontation. It is a conflict that goes beyond the field of politics to affect the very notion of civilization and seems to emanate from within human nature.

8 May at 8.30 p.m. Forgetting Intro (70 min.)

This year’s edition includes screenings, interventions, debates and workshops. Consult the programme at www.desorg.org



From 7 p.m. to 12 midnight, 8 to 13 May
Simultaneous screenings in the Foyer and Auditorium. Spanish and Catalan subtitles.

About The Mahabarata, conversation with Jean-Claude Carrière
Abu-Ali, Toni Cots, Stefano Casella

La Commune
Peter Watkins

The Mahabharata
Peter Brook – Jean-Claude Carrière

Del Poder

Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu
Antonin Artaud

Solutions Locales pour un Désordre Global
Coline Serreau

Erhal – Vés-te'n- Diari de la plaça Tahrir
Marc Almodóvar

Sembrando sueños
Elio González

La Barcelona que no se ve, la que se esconde
Captura Raval

27 de mayo de 2011 Plaça Catalunya 15Mbcn.tv

Now I become Death, the Destroyer of the Worlds


Interventions, debate and workshops

Interventions and debates: in the Foyer at 10 p.m.
Workshops: 11 to 13 May. Mirador hall. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

La Commune
With Patrick Watkins and Rebond pour la Commune

Roar_ Revolution as a Co-Creative Process
With Jérôme Roos

Urban Rhizomes
With Alfred Decker

Dos Tahrir: llums a El Caire, ombres a Bagdad
With the collectives GRECS & OVQ


OVNI Archives

OVNI Archive consultations: 5 p.m. to 12 midnight. Foyer.

During the screenings, visitors will be able to consult the archives, containing some 2,000 audiovisual documents.

The holdings will be available for consultation at 20 terminals installed in the Foyer of the CCCB during OVNI and at www.desorg.org. After the festival, high-quality online viewing will increase to 800 works, original and subtitled versions, becoming one of the principal Internet audiovisual archives.


Unknown Frame Observatory (UFO)
Other credits:
With the collaboration of: CCCB, Generalitat de Catalunya, Department of Culture and the Media, ICUB, Videolab, Cintex