
Wednesday 30 November, 19:00

Fora de programa presents DEBTOCRACY

A documentary produced by Katerina Kitidi and Ari Hatzistefanou

Debtocracy is a documentary produced by journalists Katerina Kitidi and Ari Hatzistefanou in response to the severe consequences suffered by Greece as a result of the global economic crisis. The authors chose to be producers of the documentary in order to benefit from greater freedom and used crowdfunding to collect personal donations. They were able to raise a total of 8000 euros, and distributed the documentary freely over the Internet (www.debtocracy.gr). During the first 10 days of its publication on the Internet, the documentary was watched by over 600,000 people, and has generated opinions from both supporters and adversaries in Facebook and Twitter.

The documentary presents the viewpoint of its authors on the causes that have contributed to this serious situation of economic, social and political crisis. The authors provide an illuminating story that proposes alternative solutions to the Greek government.

This documentary will be followed by a debate on the economic crisis being suffered by the Western world and also, the specific case of Spain. The intention is that the debate will help disconcerted citizens, terrified by the continuous catastrophic daily news stories, to understand how we have reached such a situation and to explain concepts such as debtocracy and risk qualification agency, that appear in the news on a daily basis.

19.00 h Showing
Debtocracy, Greece, 2011, 74', Subtitled version
Directors: Katerina Kitidi and Ari Hatzistefanou

20.45 h Debate “Do we live in a Debtocracy? With Antón Costas (Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Barcelona),  Iolanda Fresnillo (Sociologist, and Member of the Debt Observatory in Globalisation) and Daniel Raventós (Doctor in Economic Sciences and Professor of the Economics and Business Faculty of the UB).