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From Crisis to Transformation
Navigating Through Times of UncertaintyThe economic crisis is only a part of a broader crisis with other significant dimensions, such as the ecological crisis or the "crisis of representation" -the crisis in our way of understanding the world.
Along with other old, false certainties, unlimited economic growth now reveals itself as a mirage. This period of dissolution of old certainties is also a critical time in which everything is shifting and everything can change. Are we moving towards a more authoritarian and reckless world or, gradually, towards a more participatory, fair and ecological culture?
- Participants
- Speakers:
- Susan George, Joan Martínez Alier
- Coordinator:
- Jordi Pigem
- Themes
- Eco Factor, Emerging Culture, New Activism
- Space at the CCCB
- Hall
General information
Space at the CCCB
NOW opening times:
Wednesday March 25, open from 5 to 9.30 pm
Thursday 26 through Saturday 28, open from 11 am to 10 pm
Free admission to all activities
Registration required in advance for workshops. Tel: (+34) 933.064.135. E-mail: [email protected]. CCCB reserves the right to modify the schedule for reasons beyond its control.
Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 933 064 100. www.cccb.org/now