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20x20 Powered by PechaKucha - Piso PilotoOn the occasion of the exhibition Piso Piloto, ten speakers will offer a range of ideas and approaches when talking about proposals and solutions for the challenges presented by the question of housing. The PechaKucha format of the session will ensure dynamism and a relaxed, agreeable atmosphere.
Adriana Mas Cucurell (Arrels & Elisava)
Coque Claret (ETSAV)
David Juárez (Straddle3)
Gustau Gili (Casa Piloto)
Ibon Bilbao (Arquitectes de capçalera - ETSAB)
Joana G. Grenzner (La Borda)
Núria Güell (Oficina de Rescat invertit)
Marta Salgot & Llum (PAH)
Xadú Collado i Sara Rodríguez Cosmen (realitzador audiovisual i arquitecta urbanista)
Raül Robert (Sostre Cívic)
MULA (Masoveria Urbana per la Llar Alternativa)
- Participants
- Presenter:
- Oscar Guayabero
- Themes
- The Present Continuous, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Open Science, Psi Particle, Art Now, Eco Factor, Emerging Culture, Cybersphere, New Activism
- Space at the CCCB
- Hall
- Organizer
- Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
- With the collaboration of
- 20x20 Powered by PechaKucha, Moritz, airbnb