
BAFF 2009

11th Barcelona Asian Film Festival

The BAFF has helped to promote and consolidate the presence of Asian film beyond the cult circuit. In the ten years since it began, not only has it discovered new names that are now central to contemporary cinema, it has also picked up on new trends and filmmakers to appear in recent years.


BAFF 2009 - 11th BARCELONA ASIAN FILM FESTIVALwill be happening from 30 April to 10 May in Barcelona, presenting a selection of almost 60 films with the very best of Asian film from the last year, plus interesting new features, like the inclusion of the BAFF in the list of festivals at which the NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) awards its prestigious prize. Other prizes that continue at the festival are the Dúrio d'Or, awarded by Asia House (with a prize of 6,000 euros) for the best film made by a new director, the Cinematk Prize for distribution, the Public Prize and the D-Cinema Prize for the best digital production.

This year will feature emergent film talent from some parts of South-East Asia. In recent years, the latest cinema from countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia has been a new impetus for international film, experiencing unprecedented growth. A new section, FOCUS ON SOUTH-EAST ASIA, will showcase the work of young directors such as Filipinos Adolfo Alix Jr. and Raya Martin, Indonesians Ravi Bharwani and Riri Riza, and the critics' new favourite, Malay Liew Seng Tat, who, with their fresh, often low-budget films, are giving Asian film making a new lease of life.

Another new section is UPCOMING TALENT, showcasing new directors who look set to become future referents in the film world.




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With the collaboration of
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, Casa Asia, Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals, Spanish Ministry of Culture