María Castejón Leorza
Historian, teacher and writer
María Castejón (@La_Castejon) has a Humanities degree (La Rioja University) and a PhD in Contemporary History (Salamanca University). She specialises in gender representation in audiovisuals and in women’s history. Since 2014, she has formed part of the editing collective of Pikara, an on-line magazine where she has a film section called #pikagramas. She has also published two books about history, gender and Spanish film; Fotogramas de género. Representación de feminidades y masculinidades en el cine español (1977-1989) (Siníndice, 2013) and Más fotogramas de género. Representación de feminidades y masculinidades en el cine español de los 90 (Siníndice, 2015). She has a digital alter ego at Las princesas también friegan, a blog where she writes about culture and forms of feminism. At CCCB, she has participated in the Soy Cámara online video essay channel and has curated the programme "Wild and Dangerous" in the frame of Gandules'17, the CCCB's outdoor cinema season 2017.
Update: 26 May 2017