David Casassas
David Casassas (Barcelona, 1975) is a lecturer in Social and Political Theory at the University of Barcelona, where he works as a member of the Research Group on Socioeconomic Ethics and Epistemology of Social Sciences (GREECS). His research concerns are in the field of the political economy of democracy. In particular, he is interested in contemporary readings of the republican tradition and the universal basic income proposal. He has been a researcher with the Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics at the Catholic University of Louvain, the Centre for the Study of Social Justice at the University of Oxford, the Group for Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the TRAMOD (Trajectories of Modernity: Comparing Non-European and European Varieties) project of the European Research Council/University of Barcelona. He has been secretary of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) and is on its International Advisory Board. A member of the Editorial Board of the review SinPermiso, he is author of the book La ciudad en llamas. La vigencia del republicanismo comercial de Adam Smith (The City in Flames: The Validity of Adam Smith’s Commercial Republicanism – Montesinos, 2010) and, with Daniel Raventós, is co-editor of the book La renta básica en la era de las grandes desigualdades (Basic Income in a Time of Great Inequality – Montesinos, 2011). He is coordinator of Revertir el guión, Trabajos, derechos y libertad (Los Libros de la Catarata, 2016) and he has published the book of poems Boreal Invierno Austral (Animal Sospechoso, 2016).
Update: 4 December 2017